One Swallow Doesn't Make Summer...(Or Does it?)
As tomorrow is the first day of a new month, which is February, I have started feeling nostalgic about the warmer days to come. 'Already?’ you ask. Technically it is still deep winter and we have just had a wonderfully snowy twist in the British weather, too. But we are still under lockdown rules and, without being able to go out or travel anywhere, days blend together into long, indistinct chunks and time, though seemingly passing very slowly, one, two, three click and it really does fly! I find it quite interesting about the 'One swallow doesn't make summer' proverb, too (which is my blog title today). In Polish, we have exactly the same one, but it translates to ‘One swallow doesn't make spring'. Are Polish people a little more logical, thinking about spring first after winter, or are British people more impatient, hop skipping forward all the way to the summer? I am wondering what other languages do about the first hints of warm weather. Let me know in th...