How to get stronger on the bike. Fast!

Does the magic formula really exist? I didn’t think it did…until recently. I had desperately been trying to get faster and stronger on the bike for months. I tried various cycling training plans on Zwift but without much success. There were two reasons they didn’t work for me: 1. I love the freedom of cycling outside and the social aspect of it, and you can hardly do intervals when riding with friends 2. I work full time and (unfortunately) most training plans on Zwift are very time consuming, I mean they are a commitment of at least one hour a day and sometimes 2 or 3 hours on some days And so I wondered. How on earth am I going to improve and how am I going to improve fast before I lose the motivation and become frustrated again. This happened before, when I reached a plateau in my long distance running training and I just lost interest. The first thing I wanted to do is lose a few pounds and stop snacking so much in the evenings. I also wanted to eat more reasonably. What I me...